Application of GDV technique in medicine

Application of GDV technique in medicine

Application of Electrophoton Capture (EPC) Analysis Based on Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) Technique in Medicine: a Systematic Review



Objectives: To evaluate the scale and scope of implementing EPC analysis based on gas discharge visualization technique in diverse medical applications and psycho-physiology; to identify the range of applications in medicine; and to show in which areas the procedure can be useful to health professionals.

Design: Systematic review.

Methods: The database included papers published in peer-reviewed journals, proceedings of the international scientific congress “Science, Information, Spirit” (2003-2007), papers from the International Union of Medical and Applied Bioelectrography (IUMAB) database, proceedings of other conferences devoted to EPC or GDV, bioelectrography and biophotonics. Search restrictions were human subjects, English or Russian language, and publication date from 2003 up to the present. All randomized controlled studies (RCTs) and systematic research reports (SRRs) were evaluated using Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) and Jadad checklists.
Results: The search yielded 136 papers addressing 4 different fields of medical and psycho- physiological applications of EPC (GDV). Among them were 26 SRR, 19 RCT, 18 case reports or case series, and 13 cohort studies. 19 SRRs and 13 RCTs were rated “high” on the two conventional checklists.
Conclusions: (1) The software and equipment EPC/GDV-complex is a convenient and easy to use device, easily allows examining patients with various pathologies and, therefore, offers a wide range of applications. (2) The GDV method has shown itself to be very fast, i.e. it is an “express-method” for studying states of the human organism. (3) Our review has revealed that GDV method can be implemented as express-method for assessment of treatment procedure effectiveness, evaluating emotional and physical conditions of a man, and in many other fields.


The GDV-camera is based on the well-known Kirlian effect1 and utilizes modern optics, electronics and computer processing for analyzing weak photon emission from diverse subjects stimulated by a pulsed electromagnetic field. The first GDV camera was made in 1995. Since that time the Russian company Kirlionics Technologies International (KTI) has produced hundreds of such cameras and developed new designs. There are various different types of devices based on gas discharge visualization technique currently available from KTI. GDV- cameras are being used in 63 countries around the world. The GDV/EPC method can be judged as an express-method because it takes only 1-5 minutes to take images of 10 fingers, around 1 minute to calculate parameters of GDV images, and not more than 15 minutes to display and interpret obtained results.

The GDV-camera has a Russian Certificate of Conformance as a medical device.

The name Electrophoton Capture (EPC) has appeared only recently, to describe the technique more directly. This technique is becoming very popular in alternative medicine and in a wide range of scientific applications (e.g. research on water, various materials, diverse researches in agriculture and biology, etc.).2-8 Simultaneously with these applications, the EPC technique has also been used in conventional medicine and in psycho-physiological applications. This systematic review examines applications of EPC in conventional and alternative medicine, and psycho-physiological practice.

This medical technique offers the following advantages:

– screening evaluation of the psychophysiological state and functional activity of an individual;

– noninvasiveness, safety and complete sterility of the technique;
– assessment of anxiety and stress levels;
– quantitative information on the energy homeostasis level, both for the organism as a whole

and for specific functional systems;
– monitoring an individual’s reaction to various treatment procedures, allopathic and

homeopathic medicines, and mild or subtle informational influences;
– possibility of tracking the evolution of various processes in time and comparing structural,

functional and time processes that take place in the organism;
– objective information – independent from the preferences and experience of the user;
– simplicity and convenience – absence of any particular requirements for the room, the

environmental conditions or the qualification of the personnel; during the investigation of an individual’s state measurements are taken only from the fingers and toes;

– clear and easily interpreted results, easy data storage and processing;
– relatively low cost of the equipment and procedures.
This review shows that the advantages listed are serious considerations when choosing medical techniques. The GDV technique is becoming widespread in alternative and conventional medicine.

Full text: Application-of-GDV-technique-in-medicine


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