Bioenergetics of women in various periods of pregnancy

Bioenergetics of women in various periods of pregnancy (pilot study)

Marina Shaduri, Alexander Papitashvili, Mary Ashugashvili,

“AURA-MA-GI” company, Tbilisi Medical Institute.

The purpose of this investigation is the assessment of energetic status of the women’s organism in various periods of pregnancy.

Fetation may be considered as a typical example of dissipative structure in which the fetal egg is a developing subsystem. Entropy is progressively decreasing in the subsystem-embryo at the expense of the mother organism, where structural and functional reforming starts at the very moment of conceiving. The changes providing self-organization and development of the subsystem must firstly become apparent on the energetic level.

With the help of GDV-equipment (“Crown-TV”) an examination of 50 expectant mothers living in Georgia was carried out. According to the latest data, 75-80 % of the women’s of Georgia is observed to have hypothyrosis. Against the background of the initial endocrine abnormality the energetic shifts during pregnancy may sharply worsen the hypofunction of thyroid gland and, thus, do an irremediable harm to the foetus.

We found out that 48 out of 50 examined expectant mothers, along with the other typical of this state changes, have a considerably increased fluorescence area and factuality zone which corresponds to a thyroid gland, together with the development of aggressive outbreaks occurs. Stronger activity of the right cerebral hemisphere in comparison with the left one and the asymmetry of biofield were also observed.

Further examination of the expectant mothers is planned, using GDV and USD for the detection of characteristic features of the energetic shifts and their dependence both on gestational age, disposition and condition of the foetus and placenta and on the mother’s initial endocrine background. In case of obtaining a statistically reliable correlation, the method of GDV may be recommended for a safe and handly crining-examination of the expectant mothers, which will assist in a timely correcting the disbalancement and, thus, in preserving health of the mother and her baby.

See also: Monopolar GDV

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