Conceptual approach to the analysis

Conceptual approach to the analysis of individual and collective energo-informational processes in human development.

K. Korotkov

Some years ago we offered idea that the main difference between humans as biological species and all other animal kingdom is the indivisible connection of individual and collective processes in the development and existence of every person [1]. It was proposed that this connection be governed by field structures organized on the fractal principle from the level of cells and organs to the level of society and political structures [2]. It is likely that representation of this structure on the level of individual organism is the system of chakras, acupuncture points and channels. These ideas may be presented in the form of diagram similar to the one developed by Ken Wilbert [3] (see the picture). We can distinguish Individual and Collective lines of development with a set of successive levels. The principle of hierarchy is as follows: any next level may exist only based on the previous levels, but for existence of lower levels upper levels are not necessary. So the health and prosperity of every person depend not on his individual features only, but to big extend on the collective behavior. This is not only psychological, but direct informational influence.

The difference between Wilbert’s approach and ours is the introduction of Collective Informational Structures, space-time interdependence of all four lines of development and idea about future development of Mankind mainly through the Collective levels. We do not believe in individual exterior (physical) development – human organism is very carefully designed system providing survival in a wide range of climatic conditions existing on the Earth. For billions years the physical status of humans has not changed. And in a very short historical time-span Collective Social and Informational status changed tremendously – from the level of cannibal groups to modern humanistic societies. And this development would come further: to the Planetary State having approach to the Centauric Informational Field via Individual Connections with Collective Mind provided by the Regulated Altered States of Consciousness. Not physical hundreds years long space flights, but Spiritual Informational contacts and inter-Galaxies Connections – this is a future of Mankind. We will be members of Galaxy Union, but on the informational level.

1. Korotkov K. New conception of space fields of biological objects. Kongreß “Dialog mit dem Universum”. Düsseldorf, Okt. 1995.
2. Korotkov K., Kuznetsov A. Part III of the book “Light after Life” by K.Korotkov. NY 1998.
3. Ken Wilbert.

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