Alex Kaivarainen

JBL, BioCity, University of Turku, FIN-20520, Turku, Finland


The hypothesis of informational replica, generated by the internal water in form of mesoscopic Bose condensate (coherent clusters) in microtubules of cells, modulated by nerve activity, is proposed. It is based on Dynamic model of wave-corpuscle duality, elaborated by the author, considering the ability of particles to excite different kinds of virtual standing waves in vacuum.

Our Dynamic model of wave-particle duality is devoted to analysis of the internal (hidden) parameters of elementary de Broglie waves (waves B) and their interrelation with external, observable ones. Dynamic model is based on assumption of alternative pulsation of sub-elementary particles, between the corpuscular [C] and wave [W] phase, each of them representing corresponding semiperiod of wave B. The triplets of sub-elementary particles form the elementary particles. The energy and impulse of two sub-elementary particles compensate each other. The resulting properties of each triplet: mass, spin, charge is determined by uncompensated sub-elementary particle.

The model considers the positive and negative vacuum as two ‘oceans’ of superfluid quantum liquid, composed from virtual quanta of opposite energies. This interacting positive and negative vacuum, termed BI-VACUUM, is an infinitive source of bi-vacuum bosons (BVB). The spatial image of BVB is a pair of [rotor + antirotor] of opposite direction of rotation in the energetic planes of positive and negative vacuum with discreet values of radiuses, close to Compton radius of the electron, muon or tau-electron, depending on the resonant energetic slit value of bi-vacuum. The minimum dimensions of BVB with function of bi-vacuum “molecules” may have the order of Plank’s length or even less. The nonlocal properties of BVB are the consequence of their zero resulting impulse, responsible for their infinitive virtual wave B length and corresponding scale of PRIMORDIAL bi-vacuum Bose condensation. In SECONDARY vacuum, with symmetry, perturbed by presence of matter, the impulse of BVB becomes non zero. As a result, the infinitive virtual Bose condensate ‘dissociate’ to huge superfluid bi-vacuum domains. The gradient of difference of concentration of rotors and antirotors with opposite direction of rotation (virtual spin equilibrium shift), originated under the influence of rotating atoms, molecules or macroscopic bodies – is responsible for TORSION field.

The transmission of signal in form of energetic slit oscillation of bi-vacuum, representing the vacuum amplitude waves (VAW) without mentioned above equilibrium shift in the membrane of bi-vacuum Bose condensate is instant. It is not related with energy-impulse propagation.

The Corpuscular and Wave phase of particles are considered in our model as two alternative phase of wave B, which are in dynamic equilibrium. The wave [W]- PHASE in form of cumulative virtual cloud (CVC) originates as a result of quantum beats between real and mirror states of corpuscular [C] phase of sub-elementary particles, composing elementary particles. It is shown that CVC has a spatial image of half of parted (two-cavity) hyperboloid. This half is in realm of positive or negative vacuum for sub-particles and sub-antiparticles, correspondingly. The CVC is composed from virtual density waves (VDW), responsible for electric component of resulting electromagnetic charge and from virtual symmetry waves (VSW), related to magnetic component of resulting charge. The product of two components is equal to resulting charge squared.

The VAW interference with standing VDW and VSW (scalar waves) excited by symmetric pairs of sub-particles and sub-antiparticles may be responsible for Informational field origination.

It leads from equations obtained that small part of CVC energy determined by fine structure constant is responsible for electromagnetism and even much smaller part of CVC – for gravitation. The restoration of [C]-PHASE in form of [real+mirror] mass-dipole is a result of binding of CVC to BVB, accompanied by excitation of BVB. The spatial image of sub-particle in [C]-phase is a correlated pair [mirror rotor + real vortex]. The energies of both phase [C] and [W] are equal.

Propagation of elementary particle in bi-vacuum is a jump-way process (it may be termed ‘KANGAROO EFFECT’), because the ‘free’ CVC, corresponding to [W] phase of particle is luminal in contrast to [C] phase – when CVC is in elastic contact with BVB. The frequency of [C-W] pulsation is equal to frequency of quantum beats between real and mirror corpuscular states. For the case of photon this frequency is equal its energy, divided to Plank constant (nu=E/h).

Our theory predicts that the measured effective velocity of bosons, like photons, with symmetric [C-W] pulsation of sub-elementary particles, composing them should oscillate with frequency of such pulsation due to KANGAROO EFFECT. Such theory consequence can be verified experimentally.

Our dynamic duality model elucidates the quantum background of non-locality, principle of least action and Golden mean, unifies the quantum mechanics with electromagnetism, gravitation and relativist theory.

Tending of open systems to conditions of Golden mean is supposed to be a driving force of their self-organization. It is shown also that the pace of time – changes with opposite sign with pace of kinetic energy for each selected closed system. It leads from formulae obtained, that pace of time is interrelated with electromagnetic (EM) and gravitational (GR) energy change. The notions of TEMPORAL waves and field related to EM and GR ones has been introduced. Our approach serves as a key to Superunification.

In any living organism: from microbe to elephant the more ordered quasi-crystalline and sensitive structure – is a fraction of internal water in hollow core of MTs with diameter of about 140A. The bigger is number of MTs of coherently tuned cells, the bigger is fraction of ordered water, very sensitive to nerve excitation. The spatial and dynamic properties of MTs and the internal water structure follow the Golden mean rule. New Hierarchic model of consciousness, based on piezoelectric properties of MTs, their [assembly-disassembly] equilibrium, leading to modulation of mesoscopic Bose condensation of internal water, has been proposed (see: www.karelia.ru/~alexk) [Abstracts and New articles].

The fraction of virtual waves (VAW, VDW and VSW), excited by ordered water in MTs and its modulation, may be responsible, for special virtual Informational field [IF]. Such field characterizes the individuality as a product of head, spine brain and peripheral nerve system activity. In some cases, when corresponding [IF] forms a complex system of virtual standing waves with properties, close to conditions of Hidden harmony and Golden mean, the [IF] may remain stable even after the real source (living organism) becomes destroyed or dead. The Hidden harmony conditions mean the equality of important internal and external parameters: the internal (hidden) and external group velocities; the internal (hidden) and external phase velocities. This hypothesis based on our theory, points to possibility of existence of ‘SOUL’. Some of corresponding systems of such virtual Informational Replica of living organism really may be more or less stable, depending on their properties as a system of standing waves.

During the life of animal, plant or human being, the direct and back reaction should exist between ‘soul’ and organism, generating this soul. This interaction may have a character of quantum beats. If so, the important contribution to consciousness or mind is related to acts of interaction between brain and ‘soul’. Each individual soul is formed by interference of nonlocal Vacuum Amplitude Waves (VAW) with standing vacuum density and vacuum symmetry waves (VDW and VSW) of the all nerve cells of living organism. The nonlocal character of each individual soul makes it possible their interaction and even unification. This phenomenon may be responsible for telepathy and mind-matter interaction.

The idea of collective informational soul is close to idea of NOOSPHERE, proposed by Vernadsky in Russia at the beginning of this century. If we make one more step ahead, we can suppose that unification of all souls of human beings, animals, plants of all planets with different forms of life over the Universe may form virtual dynamic Super Consciousness. Due to mentioned above feedback reaction, the evolving of Super-Consciousness is dependent on evolution of the intelligent part of biosphere of the Universe and vice verse.

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