1. Korotkov1, E. Popechitelev2

1Technical University SPIFMO, 2St.Petersburg Electrotechnical University

There are a lot of evidences of negative influences of technogen Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) to the health of people, in particular pregnant women and children. It was developed a set of devices in different countries that are claimed protecting from EMF and correcting bio-field of a person. These devices usually cost some money and need regular usage. As a rule, inventors tell some misty words about principles of their construction. Whether it is possible to test protective effect of such devices?

Based on GDV technique we have developed practical method for testing effects of different bio-correctors to the particular person. The situation is one and the same device may have positive influence for one person, neutral for another and negative for the third. At the same time it is known that the worst influence from the computer comes from the monitor, so in our technique the source of EMF usually is normal computer screen. Method works as follows.

  1. Take BEO-grams of a person in initial relaxed state sitting before the computer monitor with screen off. (We are using second computer for BEO-grams registration).
  2. Turn monitor on and immediately take BEO-grams.
  3. Apply the Bio-corrector in operational position in accordance with its Instruction.
  4. Wait 10 minutes.
  5. Take BEO-grams of a person.
  6. Compare all three BEO-grams using GDV-Processor or GDV-Diagram programs.

An example of this analysis is presented at the Picture. Curve 1 – initial state of a person; 2 – after turning on monitor (in this particular case all GDV parameters worsen, the same as for most people); 3 – after 10 min with Gamm-7 bio-corrector (parameters come back practically to initial state).

It was tested 9 different models of bio-correctors, 3 of them was found effective to different extend, others had practically no influence. With most effective bio-corrector it was analyzed 123 person of different age and sex. 112 of them demonstrated negative reaction to the computer monitor. When applying bio-corrector for 99 people is was found restoration of the GDV parameters, 11 people demonstrated no effect and for 2 persons it was found worsening effect.

We can conclude that GDV technique may be applied for testing effectiveness of different bio-correctors and EMF protectors.

Human Energy Field (HEF) Bioelectrography Research

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