Measuring Human Energy Field

Measuring Human Energy Field

GDVCAMERA – Revolutionary Instrument to reveal Energy Fields of Human and Nature

Professor, Dr. Konstantin Korotkov

Human Energy Field (HEF) – is the most sensitive reflection of physical, emotional and,
in some cases, spiritual conditions of a person.

We take measurements from 10 fingers of both hands and using sophisticated software create an image of HEV. The principle is based on connection of fingers with different organs and systems of the body by Chinese energy meridians. This idea was firstly proposed by Dr Voll in Germany, later developed by Dr Mandel either in Germany, and then clinically verified and corrected by a team of Dr Korotkov in Russia. So the image which we create in GDV instrument is based on ideas of Traditional Chinese Medicine and verified by 15 years of clinical experience by hundreds of medical doctors with many thousands of patients.

Measuring Human Energy Field
Measuring Human Energy Field

GDV is certified as a medical instrument in Russia and Europe. FDA certification in the USA is under way. It gives you information of your Energy Field and allows to see its day-today transformation and the influence of different situations and stimulus to your HEF and hence, to your condition.

History and Background
Bioelectrography dates back to 1770 when German physicist George Christopher Lichtenberg observed light coming from different subjects in electrical fields. In XIX century many
researches have become interested in this approach. Between them was famous Nicola Tesla in the USA, Yakob Narkevich-Yodka in Russia, Pratt and Shlemer in Chehia and many others.

In Brazil intensive research in Bioelectrography was conducted by Padre Landel de Moura. He published several papers and his achievements were praised by establishing a museum in En Porto Alegre dedicated to his name.

Measuring Human Energy Field
Measuring Human Energy Field

In XXth century Soviet researchers Semyon Davidovich Kirlian with his wife Valentina Kirlian dedicated 30 year to research in Bioelectrography. They developed a lot of new instruments, demonstrated applications in different field, and due to their outstanding activity the name “Kirlian
Photography” became known in the world.

Later on a lot of researchers were excited by Kirlian photography. In Brazil Dr. NewtonMilhomens has developed medical approach for detecting cancer and other problems. In 1998 he published a book “Fotos Kirlian, Cómo Interpretar”. He was awarded with high prize by Brazilian
government, and after his death in 2007 his wife Selma proceeded with training in Milhomens technique.

In 1978 an International Union of Medical and Applied Bioelectrography was organized in New York combining researchers from all over the world. Gas Discharge Visualisation (GDV) instrument was developed in 1995 in Russia by a team of Professor Konstantin Korotkov. It is based on the achievements of the Quantum Electrophotonic Imaging (EPI). The Electrophotonic Camera (EPC) instrument based on analysis is a state-of-the-art computerised system to study human energy fields. Using the Kirlian effect, this technique goes far beyond traditional Kirlian photography in many ways. The EPC system allows for direct, real-time viewing and analysis of changes in the energy field of humans and other organisms. The information gathered is quantified and analyzed by sophisticated software. This technology has extraordinary implications for all health related fields, including conventional and complementary medicine. Research with the EPC device is currently being carried out at universities and research institutes worldwide, in such areas as medicine, “energy medicine”, athletic training, biophysics, parapsychology, and other areas. Recently a new application of EPC for Remote Detection of Human Emotions named “EPC Sputnik” has been developed. EPI has been used as the basis for significant research and in each instance, the reliability and value of the entire system has been confirmed.

Full text: 2011 Human Energy Field

Measuring Human Energy Field

GDVCAMERA – Revolutionary Instrument to reveal Energy Fields of Human and Nature

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