1. Magidov

St.Petersburg State Medical University n.a. I.P.Pavlov, Russia

Medical treatment practice traditionally has a mostly general approach to patient’s state evaluation. Together with somatic pathlogy character the personal features of the patient and his attitude to the illness are taken into account.The idea of psychosomatic equality is at present time considered from the position of general approach, where constitutional characteristics of the organism, trophic and regulating links, particulars of organism’s interaction with environment are taken into account.

Bronchial asthma (BA) is one of the illnesses which etiology demonstrates a close interaction of somatic and neuropsychic factors. Literature gives us personal psychological features of BA patients. Psychological factors often have such an essential influence on course of a disease that a special BA pathogenic – neuro-psychic – variant is emphasized in such cases. In order to understand particulars of psychic and somatic correlation in course of the disease it is very important to define the meanings of personal topology. These studies are aimed to define the correlation between psychological status’ dynamics and GDV-gram changes for BA patients during the process of treatment. Psychological status was studied by the following methods: first of all by Spilberg-Khanin scale of self-certification. Anxiousity level was defined by the scale. A high level of situational anxiousity was caused by temporary unfavourable conditions, stress situation. A very high personal anxiousity can specify the presenбe of neurotic conflict and proves the risk of psychosomatic disease development. It was also used the standardized 8-colour variant of Lusher colour test. The method is nonverbal, deep psychological mechanisms on the level of limbico-hypothalamic system are analysed with it.

GDV analysis of 10 hand fingers was conducted on “Crown-TV” instrument with additional software set, in standard conditions.

18 BA patients of 18-48 years old were tested. The patients could be devided by the following: 7 patients had mostly atopic pathogenic BA variant, 8 – infection dependent, 2 – hormone dependent, and 1 – aspirine BA. According to the form of the disease they were: 5 patients with mild form, 12 – with medium, and 1 – with severe form. The patients were tested at the beginning of admission and on the 20th day of the therapy.

Initially the majority of the patients had a low activity factor (AF) – 78% of the patients, and work capacity factor (WC) – 69%, and greatly increased level of anxiousity, mostly situational (82%). These patients were characterised by emotional tensity, petulance, feeling of dissatisfaction, search of support, i.e. their state could be characterised as prestress, with negative emotions dominance. GDV-grams were visually valuated as defective, with many areas of picture’s drop-out, not coordinated local outbursts. While machine processing of the picture it was characterised by small area, low noise level and form coefficient. During the recurring test a positive dynamics of psychological indicators was revealed: AF increased truly for 56% of the patients, WC – for 63%, with anxiousity (mostly situational) level decrease for 67% of the patients. Psychological status dynamics correlated truly with GDV-gram changes (p<0.05). WC rise was accompanied by GDV-gram area rise in the zones, corresponding neuro-endocrine system (4L). WC increase and anxiousity level decrease correlated with noise level and form coefficient increase in the zones of respiratory system and system of large intestine channel which is matching to lungs (2R, 5R).

Thus, the investigation revealed positive changes in psychological status of BA patients after the therapy. Positive emotional state is very important for optimum functioning of organism as a system, as it is a form of organism’s adaptative reaction. That is why psychological state improvement together with positive changes of GDV-gram character testify not only clinic improvement but also energoinformational harmonisation of BA patients in the course of treatment. Successful therapy playes essential part in improvement of patients ‘organisms’ bioenergetical parameters, their functional and, in particular, psychological status.


  1. During the therapy the improvement of psychological status of BA patients was observed.
  2. The improvement of psychological status was accompanied by positive GDV-gram changes.
  3. True positive changes were observed mostly in zones, corresponding neuro-endocrine, respiratory systems and the system of large intestine which, according to eastern concept, is linked with respiratory system. (2R, 4L, 5R).
  4. Positive dynamics of GDV-gram, which was observed after the therapy, testifies normalisation of processes of energetic homeokinesis regulation.

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