Statistical Analysis of the GDV data

Statistical Analysis of the GDV data


GDV Bio-Well program based in Internet allows to make statistical analysis of different parameters of the Bio-grams collected in different experiments.

For the moment of this analysis it was 18000 measurements of human fingers in the database, of both gender in the age from 25 to 100 years. Some people were tested multiple times. Analysis was done on all database without separation by age or gender.

Fig.1 presents histogram of GDV parameter Human Field Energy. (Energy E was calculated as

E = S x I x k, where S is the area of the image, I – averaged intensity, k – coefficient dependent on the physical properties of the GDV Bio-Well camera).

Full text: Statistical analysis of data

Statistical Analysis of the GDV data

GDV Bio-Well program based in Internet allows to make statistical analysis of different parameters of the Bio-grams collected in different experiments

Fig.2 Histogram of Stress Level GDV parameter based on 18000 experiments. Abscises axes represent Stress Level in the scale from 0 to 10, ordinate axes – amount of measurements with particular level of stress.

As we see from Fig.2, histogram has well-presented maximum, but there are many measurements with high level of stress up to the maximum values.

Based on these data we have chosen the range of stress index, typical for apparently healthy people as: Str = { 2 – 4}.

Fig.3. presents histogram of distribution of the Balance parameter.

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