Komarovskikh K.F.

Northwest Polytechnical Inst., St-Petersburg

In this report are presented different phenomena observed mainly by the author which are not explainable on the basis of customary conceptions and often contradict the known physical laws. The existing control devices apparently can’t else “sense” some extraordinary thin radiations.

  1. Invisible for common sight manifestations of flows of energy of unknown nature: in the shape of a light cupola or vertical column during spiritual circles (the people join hands and appeal to the God and the out-side world with love) in St-Petersburg or other towns;

malfunction of electronic instruments (tape recorders, dosimeters) and everyday devices in presence of such effects.

  1. Manifestations visible with the unaided eye: imprints on a candle during spiritual circles, appearance of signs (for example a cross in a circle) on a hand and in the sky; atmospheric optics spiritual manifestations.
  2. The influence of the prayer on different phenomena including a therapeutic effect of musical version of the prayer, on the level radiation of food, on the sight restoration after brief loss of it.
  3. The “time compression” effect (the clock arrows stopped at the beginning of some action; after that they are moving rapidly in order to make up for lost time) and “the unsinged bush” effect (all books of the one pile burned out during fire besides volumes of “The Last Testament”).
  4. The interaction with the Nature:

-the flower is reviving thanks to the love flow to him,

-the bird was outraged of insensitive attitude to the woman as a part of the Nature,

-the picture of “the Vissarion Stone”(the Stone-Heart in the taiga) influences on the human.

  1. The extraordinary near Vissarion:

-numerous optical phenomena (the aura manifestation on pictures, different marks and signs,

-unpremeditated wonderful healing during the dealings with Vissarion – famous spiritual leader of the Russia,

-“the bread multiplication” effect,

-influence on the element (hurricanes, spring floods, weather),

-about the future predictions: “Don’t go to foretellers”. It is risky step, because you can involuntarily contribute to creation of forecasted dangerous situation. It is opportunely here to remember words of the most authoritative prognosticator of XX century E.Keisy about that the ancient Egyptian predictings stop of 1998 year, because then the Messiah determines the events course and all predictings lose power and need correction.

  1. The explanation of some external power influences is given in the book “The Last Hope. The Appeal to Modern Mankind” (St-Petersburg, 1999).

There are here answers on questions:

-What is the human being in general?

-What is the surrounding him World?

-Why the fates of the Russia and the mankind reached the critical point?

-Is there the hope on the Saving?

Science Information, Spirit 1999

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