EPC/EPI/GDV by Lutz Rabe

IHN – Infinite Human Nature AB

EPC/EPI/GDV General Representative

1. The basic is the Kirlian phenomena

The Kirlian principle is very well researched and the discharge phenomena are described by appropriate mathematical models [Korotkov K. Human Energy Field: study with EPC/GDV bioelectrography. Backbone publishing, NY. 2002. 360 p. ISBN 096443119X.]. The discharge is captured by a video camera as a two-dimensional image with a grey-scale in accordance with the intensity of the discharge around the tested object.

However there are discharge patterns for some specific people that need further research. These are mainly found with people who express certain abilities in entering altered states of consciousness or for certain spiritual ceremonies. In such cases distant static and dynamic emissions can be observed, which could not be explained by the methods known thus far.

Kirlian Photography Art Science
Kirlian Photography Art Science

The discharge effect in the EPC/GDV device is based on stimulated emission of photons and electrons in excited states in a high-density electromagnetic field. The avalanche and sliding discharge effects that take place function as amplification of weak emissions of electrons in excited states and photons (photon-multiplier effect) from materials or living objects/subjects. Cold electron emission is mainly an effect whereby materials (metals and semiconductors) release/emit electrons after the influence of photons or other electromagnetic sources of energy (radiation, X-ray).

Basic information on the physical principles of the EPC/EPI/GDV Technology is found in articles (in English).

Boyers D.G. Tiller W.A. Corona Discharge Photography. J of Applied Physics, 1973, 44, 3102-3112.

Pehek J.O., Kyler K.J., and Faust D.L. Image modulation in Corona Discharge Photography. Science 1976, 194, 263-270.

Opalinski J. Kirlian-type images and the transport of thin-film materials in high- voltage corona discharge. J. of Applied Physics 1979, 50, 498-504.

Korotkov K., Korotkin D. Concentration dependence of gas discharge around drops of inorganic electrolytes. J of Applied Physics, 2001, 89, 9, 4732-4737.

A large part of the research on the gas discharge effects during development of the EPC/GDV technology was published in Russian Scientific Papers.

2. Can the so-called Kirlian pictures be used to detect various illnesses or diseases?

Is there any research being done that compares diagnosis from the Kirlian picture with established medical diagnosis and is this done in blindness?

Published in any peer-review medical or biological journal?

The EPC/GDV-grams (images received through the EPC/GDV-capturing process) are processed by the EPC/EPI/GDV analysis software in accordance withdigital image processing techniques. These allow retrieving a large number of parameters that describe the character of the gas discharge around the tested object/subject. Examples of these parameters are: glow area and normalized glow area, intensity of glow. Entropy of the isoline along the contour of the glow, form coefficient and fractality of the image.

Based on a thoroughly researched diagnostic table, which reveals dependencies between certain sectors of EPC/GDV-grams of fingers with organs and organ systems of the human body, information on the physiological level of functioning of these organs and –systems can be retrieved. For a trained medical doctor this information allows to draw conclusions on a medical diagnosis of the investigated individual. The relevance of the use of EPC/EPI/GDV Bioelectrography in medicine has been proven in over 10 000 (ten thousand) documented patient cases mainly in Russia. Current areas of investigation focus on medical applications within the areas of Bronchial Asthma, Allergies, Osteopathy, Gastrology, clinical surgery, Cancer Research and Physiotherapy. Studies on correlation of EPC/GDV-Results with results of traditional medical diagnosis methods has been among others been done in the following areas: Heart Rate Variability [Rein G. 2004], Genetics [Bundzen P. 2003], Womb blood circulation [Gimbut A. 2002], Blood segmentation rate [Philippova 2001], Carboxyl haemoglobin in blood [Ahmetely G. 2002], Leucocytes, sulfide-mukoid, C-reactive albumin in blood [Ascheulov, 2001], Eosinophils in phlegm [Savitskaja, 2001]

A blinded clinical study (Relative Analysis of EPC/EPC/GDV Bioelectrography Applications in Clinical Practice) was performed by Prof. A.L. Tumanova at the Sochi University, Russia, where 542 patients were separated in two groups. The first group was first analyzed with EPC/GDV and after that with ordinary medical examinations. The second group was first examined by a medical doctor and thereafter a EPC/GDV Analysis was done. The medical parameters included analysis of the cardio-vascular system with daily monitoring, of the bronchial system, the digestive tract, the spine and muscular system as well as blood, urine and hair tests. The study revealed a correlation of EPC/GDV Analysis Data with clinical examination for the first group between 82 and 89% and a predictive power of the EPC/GDV analysis prior to the medical examination of 94%. The correlation of the EPC/GDV Analysis with the results from the medical examinations for the second group (first medical examination and EPC/GDV Analysis afterwards) was 79%. The conclusion from this study was that the Analysis of EPC/EPC/GDV data was most gainful in cases of early diagnosis of pathological conditions. The advantages of the EPC/EPC/GDV approach were found in the ease in use, economical, fast, non-invasive, reliable and informative method of information gathering and diagnosis.

Furthermore, studies have been made by Nancy Rizzo Roberts in herdissertation “Parallel investigation of the meridian stress assessment (msa-21) and the gas discharge visualization devices: can they measure the effects ofacupuncture treatment on the body’s energy state ?” at the Holos University in March 2002.

Another Study made by V. Gimbut of the Rostov R&D Institute of Obstetrics and Paediatrics showed a 90% probability of prediction of a potential miscarriage for pregnant women using parameters that were calculated from the EPC/GDV analysis.

Most of the clinical tests have been done in Russia and have been presented at the Scientific Congress of the International Union of Medical and Applied Bioelectrography, a yearly event for frontier science in St. Petersburg .

  1. Has it been shown that pictures, taken with just a short time interval, are stable and not just random results of the corona phenomena? If it has been shown, in what report, what peer reviewed journal?The EPC/GDV-images of a metal cylinder – test-subject demonstrate stability within the range 2-3% during several hours of measurements (see data on Sun Eclipse 01 August 2008). The EPC/GDV-images reveal information on the functional level of regulation of the human body based on analysis of physiological states of organs and organ systems. Repeated measurements of one and the same individual reveal very stable properties of images taken with filter (considering mainly the physical level of functioning) and snapshot-like properties of the psycho-emotional state of the tested person. Investigations during different times of the day show the existence of a bio-rhythm that varies slightly with e.g. the time of the day. Therefore, a scientific approach has to be taken when measuring subjects with EPC/EPI/GDV Bioelectrography with the aim of providing input to a medical analysis. The influence of certain properties of the skin (sweating, humidity, emissions of gases) and the influence of the autonomous nervous system on the captured images has been investigated in detail. The results of this research lead to a refinement of the EPC/GDV image capturing and analysis methods. The results of these investigations are in detail described in numerous reports in the book: “ Korotkov K. Human Energy Field: study with EPC/EPI/GDV Bioelectrography”. Backbone publishing, NY. 2002. 360 p. ISBN 096443119X and in “Measuring Energy Fields – State of the Science,Volume 1”, Backbone publishing, NY. 2004, ISBN 0-9742019-1-X.
  2. When all body aura are shaped in a computer from Kirlian pictures, taken from finger tips, software uses the sections around the fingers to form an all body picture for a final diagnose. On what knowledge does it bases? Has there been done any comparison to conventional medical knowledge and diagnosis?The analysis of the EPC/GDV images taken from the finger tips is based on digital image analysis and processing by laws of artificial intelligence of the image as a whole and of specific sectors of the images. Already in 1986 Prof. Peter Mandel from Germany suggested a diagnostic table based on sectorisation of the Kirlian images taken from finger tips and toes. Using digital image processing technology Prof. Korotkov and his team updated the diagnostic table based on clinical studies of more than 10 000 patient cases with different health challenges. This way the initial diagnostic table was updated and verified. Today there is a large difference between the diagnostic table used by Prof Mandel and the table that forms the base of EPC/GDV-Analysis.The “ancient wisdom” the question is referring to is related to the laws ofenergetic and informational transfer along the meridian system as described in the books of traditional Chinese Medicine and other ancient Asian treatment methods. In particular, the information from the Korean Hand acupuncture Su Jok was used in verification and further modification of the diagnostic table that is used in EPC/GDV. In the PC Software the diagnostic table is used to evaluate the physiological level of functioning of organs and organs systems. In one of the Software Programs (EPC/GDV Energy Field) the glow from the different sectors of the finger images is projected onto the shape of a human body in correspondence with the location of the different organs and systems. The result is an Energy Field images that allow intuitively analysing details of the physiological level of functioning of the human body. However, it must be kept in mind that this energy field image is created by data analysis in the computer and does not constitute what is referred to as Aura or Aura-photography.

In 2007 the research team of Korotkov evaluated 202 scientific reports on the use of the EPC/GDV technology for medical and biological applications that have been published internationally during the years 2002 to 2006. Out of these 202 reports 26 fulfilled the requirements for randomized controlled studies and were taken for a more detailed meta-analysis. This analysis shows a high correlation of EPC/GDV Analysis results with conventional methods (above 70%) of investigation. None of the 202 published studies showed a strong disagreement of EPC/GDV Analysis data with conventional diagnosis results. Details on some of the conventional diagnosis methods that EPC/GDV Analysis results have been compared to are provided in the response to question 2 above.


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