Gender Differences of Healthy and Hypertensive Patients

Gender Differences in the Activity of the Autonomic Nervous Systems of Healthy and Hypertensive Patients in Russia

Abbreviations: HRV: Heart Rate Variability; GDV: Gas Discharge Visualization; EPI: Electrophotonic Imaging; ANS: Autonomic Nervous System; CCD: Charge Couple Device; HF: High Frequency; LF: Low Frequency; AH: Arterial Hypertension; VR: Variation Range


The idea of arterial hypertension (AH) as a neurogenic disease was put forward in 1922 by the Soviet scientist Lang GF Till date; a large amount of evidence about the role of autonomic disorders in the development and formation of AH has been collected. Special attention is paid to the increase in the tone of the sympathetic nervous system [1-3]. The results of one of the largest studies on this topic (Tecumseh Blood Pressure Study [4]) provided strong evidence that activation of the sympathetic link of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) is important not only in the early stages of the development of hypertension, but contributes to the formation of cardiovascular risk in the future. At the same time, there are indications of gender dimorphism in the autonomic regulation of a healthy body [5-10], which, in turn, determines the peculiarities of the development of hypertension in men and women. With a high predisposition to hypertension in healthy men, bloodcirculation at rest is determined primarily by increased influenceof the sympathetic division of the ANS. But among apparently healthy women having a high predisposition to hypertension,

Materials and Methods

J Appl Biotechnol Bioeng 2017, 3(6): 00084

*Corresponding author: Konstantin G Korotkov, Department of mechanics and Optics, Saint Petersburg Federal University of Information Technologies, St. Petersburg Research Institute of Physical culture and Sport, NIIFK, Ligovski prospect 56E, St. Petersburg, 19104, Russia

Received: March 23, 2017 Published: September 08, 2017

Blood circulation depend to a lesser extent on the specifics of theautonomic regulation compared to men [11]. However, despite existing data, which indicate different mechanisms of formation and establishment of hypertension in men and women, the amountof experimental data is not yet sufficient [12]. In this connection, the aim of this work was to evaluate the gender-specific state ofthe autonomic nervous system of healthy people and hypertensive patients, using the methods of heart rate variability (HRV) and gas discharge visualization (GDV).

To assess the state of the autonomic nervous system of patients, the methods of heart rate variability (HRV) [13] and gas discharge visualization (GDV or Electrophotonic Imaging) [14-16] were applied. In the HRV method, the heart rhythm is recorded, with a subsequent mathematical analysis of its structure. Main HRV indexes are presented in Table 1. The index of regulatory systems tension (stress index SI) is calculated based on histogram of distribution of cardio intervals as random variables. The amplitude of every bar of the histogram is equal to the amount of RR intervals with particular duration. From the histogram its basic characteristics: mode Mo, mode amplitude (AMo) and variation range (VR) are determined. When during mental or physical loading we have increase of the sympathetic regulation it


Gender Differences in the Activity of the Autonomic Nervous Systems of Healthy and Hypertensive Patients in Russia

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