Influence of structured water to human

Influence of drinking structured water to human psychophysiology

Korotkov KG,1 Churganov OA,2 Gavrilova EA,2,3 Belodedova MA,3 Korotkova AK1

1Saint Petersburg Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, Russia
2North-Western Medical University, Russia
3Medical-sports clinic of Krasnogvardeisky district, St. Petersburg, Russia

Received: June 04, 2019 | Published: July 19, 2019


Aim: The aim of the study was to study the impact of the consumption of structured water on the human body in normal environmental conditions during one month.

Materials and methods: The following techniques have been used in the study: study of body composition by bioelectric impedance; clinical and biochemical blood analysis; psychological testing; heart rate variability (HRV) method; Bio-Well GDV method. This study was an open, randomized, comparative study in which the main performance indicators were evaluated in 15 subjects – an experimental group using structured water – 1 liter per day for a month, compared to 15 subjects in the control group (using unstructured water of the same brand for a month). . Comparative tests were carried out initially and after 1 month.

Results: Both groups demonstrated an increase in the average concentration of hemoglobin in erythrocytes, which indicated an improvement in water-salt metabolism, which was due to the regular water consumption regardless of its structure. The experimental group revealed a significant reduction in total body weight due to reduction of fat mass; a significant decrease in creatinine levels, as well as an increase in glomerular filtration of the kidneys, which reflects the improvement of renal excretory function and a decrease in the level of endogenous intoxication of the body; the growth of HRV and Bio-Well GDV parameters reflecting parasympathetic activity and variability of heart rhythm and the decrease of parameters which reflect the degree of sympathetic regulation and centralization of heart rhythm. No such changes were observed in the control group, but there was a reliable negative dynamics of parameters for most of participants.

Conclusions: From the analysis of experimental data was concluded that structured water consumed 1 liter per day for a month contributes to the reduction of body fat mass, improvement of water-salt metabolism, improvement of kidney excretory function, reduction of endogenous intoxication of the body, increase of adaptive and stress-response and reserve capacity of the body even in adverse seasonal, climatic and epidemiological period. In contrast, in the control group there was a reliable negative dynamics of parameters for most of participants. The experiment was conducted during the unfavorable seasonal, climatic and epidemiological period – the period of seasonal immunodeficiency, depression and reduced efficiency. At the same time, this investigation should be considered as a pilot study, as the sample size (n=30) is too small to draw any decisive conclusions. Since the study includes different age groups, sexes, and profession with that small sample size, it becomes even more complicated to draw any conclusions. We hope, that presented results stimulate development of new studies, dedicated to the influence of water to human health and wellbeing.

Keywords: structured water, health, wellness, heart rate variability, bio-well GDV


Influence of drinking structured water to human psychophysiology


The question of structuring water under the influence of different devices causes contradictory judgments, despite the large amount of available experimental data.1 At the same time, there are practically no publications that consider the influence of structured water on the human body in compliance with generally accepted protocols. In the present pilot study, we have set a goal to check the validity of these claims.

Goals and objectives of the study

The aim of the study was to study the impact of the consumption of structured water on the human body in normal environmental conditions during one month.

Study design

This study was an open, randomized, comparative study in which the main performance indicators were evaluated in 15 subjects – an experimental group using structured water – 1 liter per day for a month, compared to 15 subjects in the control group (using unstructured water of the same brand for a month). After the first test 30 liters of potable water were provided to the home of every participant of the study by AquaBalt Co, St. Petersburg. Comparative tests were carried out initially and after 1 month. All data collected in the study were analyzed using descriptive and dispersive statistical methods. Clinical and functional data and their changes relative to the baseline level were analyzed using the Student’s T-test, Wilcoxon and Mann- Whitney criteria. To estimate the significance of fractions (%) in the samples, the Fisher’s Angular Transformation method was applied.

Influence of structured water to human

Influence of drinking structured water to human psychophysiology

Discussion and conclusions

From the above presented data, we can make the following conclusions:

  1. The study is devoted to the influence of 30-day consumption of water structured with Amezcua Bio Disc 3 on the composition of the body and blood, the nervous and cardiovascular systems, cleansing the body of endotoxins, energy and psychological status compared to the control group that consumes unstructured water of the same brand.
  2. 22 women and 8 men aged between 36 and 62 years, apparently healthy, made up two groups of subjects: 15 persons in the experimental (using structured water) and 15 persons in the control group (using unstructured water of the same brand).
  3. The participants before and after 30 days of water consumption in the dose of 1 liter per day underwent a clinical survey, body composition study, clinical and biochemical blood analysis, study of the psychological status, rhythmocardiography and Bio-Well GRV analysis.

Main results

  1. Both groups demonstrated an increase in the average concentration of hemoglobin in erythrocytes, which indicated an improvement in water-salt metabolism, which was due to the regular water consumption regardless of its structure.
  2. The experimental group revealed a significant reduction in total body weight due to reduction of fat mass. No such changes were observed in the control group.
  3. The experimental group showed a significant decrease in creatinine levels, as well as an increase in glomerular filtration of the kidneys,

which reflects the improvement of renal excretory function and a decrease in the level of endogenous intoxication of the body. No such changes were observed in the control group.

d. The experimental group was characterized by the growth of HRV parameters reflecting parasympathetic activity and variability of heart rhythm and the decrease of parameters which reflect the degree of sympathetic regulation and centralization of heart rhythm. Significant changes were noted in RMSSD (19%), HF (26%), VLF (24%), LF/HF (18%) indexes, which indicated growth of economy of respiratory and cardiovascular systems functioning, growth of adaptive and energetic potential of the organism, as well as recovery after loads. In contrast, in the control group there was a reliable negative dynamics of these parameters.

e. The experimental group was characterized by the growth of Bio- Well GDV parameters reflecting decrease of stress level for most of participants, as well as decrease of sympathetic activity and increase of organs balance. This is reflection of growth of adaptive and energetic potential of the organism, as well as recovery after loads.

f. In contrast, in the control group there was a reliable negative dynamics of Bio-Well GDV parameters for most of participants. The experiment was conducted during the unfavorable seasonal, climatic and epidemiological period – the period of seasonal immunodeficiency, depression and reduced efficiency.

g. Thus, it can be concluded that structured with the help of Amezcua Bio Disk3 water consumed 1 liter per day for a month contributes to the reduction of body fat mass, improvement of water-salt metabolism, improvement of kidney excretory function, reduction of the endogenous intoxication of the body, increase of adaptive and stress-response and reserve capacity of the body even in the adverse seasonal, climatic and epidemiological period.

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