Is There an Information Field in the Life World?

Is There an Information Field in the Life World?

An empirical approach using electrophotonic analysis.

Azevedo, E., Pissolato Filho, J.


This article will present a brief review of biological communication phenomena within microorganisms, the human energetic phenomena explained as a transduction of information without energy displacement, as well as experimental requirements for testing this hypothesis between human beings using electrophotonic analysis. Finally, the authors present experimental results and future work on this new field of physical research.

Keywords: semantic fields, eletrophotonic analysis, quantum biocommunication.


The study of energetic phenomena in the life world is an argument of interest in several applied and theoretical fields. Its roots have positivistic connections with biology, medicine and applied physical sciences, such as biomedical engineering, resulting in the development of a myriad of diagnostic and treatment instruments, but also, in a more humanistic approach, the appearance of an environment for theoretical speculations and reflections, where there have been proposed theories such as Sheldrake’s morphic resonance (2009), Meneghetti’s semantic fields (1983), Backster’s primary perception (2003), and more recently, all research relating consciousness and the modern quantum physics (Radin, 2006; Wolf, 1986; Goswani, 1995).

In the biophotonic field, researchers showed that communication between cells does not necessarily depends on chemical or electrical schemes, and this opened the way to study the role of electromagnetic waves (Han, Yang & Chen, 2011; Scholkman , Fels & Cifra, 2013; Farhadi et. al., 2014). However, what a few researchers started to ask is how such communication could be possible via electromagnetic waves considering significant distances and barriers. In other words: how is it possible that a very low intensity signal, subject to noise and decay, might enable such precise communications in the life world? For some scientists, this might lead us to the suspicion that this kind of communication could be based in quantum phenomena (Cifra & Kučera, 2013; Chaban et. al., 2013).

What seems to be really important is the fact that science for a long time is trying to codify and quantify this category of phenomena with different approaches and, no matter how complex the situation might look like, it is quite reasonable that, in fact, there should be something analogous to the quantum entanglement of physics in the life world, that is, the possibility of transducing information without displacement of energy, and this would imply entirely the hypothesis of an information field, with which some modern theoretical physicists would agree.

Two kinds of difficulties arise immediately: the acceptance that such information fields might exist and, of course, how to quantify and model them. Both problems might derive from the experimental design used to approach the problem, since hypothesis are formulated using epistemological premises that are not necessarily aligned with the logic that nature uses within itself, as used to affirm Bernadino Telesio (1570), but also because of millenary scientific pre- judgments, as taught us Edmund Husserl in his “Crisis of European Sciences” (1936), that force us to analyze nature with “lenses” that really help us in a first moment, but then limit by definition the possibilities of our scientific knowledge. As important thinkers have pointed out, it seems that a complete new epistemological turn around is needed and, only after the moment our scientific community achieves this goal, the apparently unsolvable might be solved, such as the causality-finality and subject-object paradoxes (Bohr, 1965; Schrödinger, 1955; Krylov, 2001; Husserl, 1976).
Table 1, reproduced from Han et. al. (2011), with some additional articles reviewed by the authors, give a historical perspective of some studies conducted in this area.

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