Psychic discoveries behind the Iron Curtain

Psychic discoveries behind the Iron Curtain

Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder

Introd. by Ivan T. Sanderson


Details the study of ESP and other psychic phenomena by the Soviet Union during the Cold War. 

Psychic discoveries behind the Iron Curtain
Psychic discoveries behind the Iron Curtain

Well-documented, in-depth books shed new light on the existence and meaning of paranormal and parapsychological events In this radical revision of their 1970 investigation of Russian parapsychological research, the authors present six new chapters of post-Cold War activities. They offer evidence indicating that the Russians have been successful in harnessing psychic energy.

With Dr. John Stewart and Ron Devine. Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain by S. & Schroeder, L. Ostrander, 1971

This is a little known book that changed the world, as we knew it. This is the book that prompted the CIA to initiate the funding for “Remote Viewing” (see also Intuitive Information Sight Research) research and training programs – which culminated in the “Stargate” program.

Remote viewing has now become part of our collective popular culture. Courses (often taught by some of the official program participants), are still growing in popularity and number. Even movies have been made about this phenomenon. The data obtained on remote viewing has become important to consciousness research. And modern consciousness research has change the paradigm of how we define us – what it is to be human. We are now seeing a radical redefining of what it is to be human.

And this little known book was the catalyst for the land-slide change in our post modern definition of humanity. Since its publication in 1971, the psychic research has been so overwhelming validated and reproduced internationally and thus impossible to refute. More scientists are standing up for such efforts and applauding it.

This is the book that started even more serious world-wide research, and forms a textbook for the inquirers. An introduction to subjects like Kirlian photography and telepathy. This book may have caused alarm in high circles. The Warrior’s Edge: Front-Line Strategies for Victory on the Corporate Battlefield refers to a DIA report titled “Controlled Offensive Behavior – USSR” that expressed concern about Soviet ESP developments in Remote Viewing. Both parties tried to shield their filing cabinets as they looked into each other’s drawers. One of the book’s subjects is Wolf Messing, a man who demonstrated his psychic ability to Stalin by hypnotically brainwashing his guards into thinking that he was secret police chief Beria and so was waved through all of Stalin’s personal security checkpoints.

Psychic discoveries behind the Iron Curtain
Psychic discoveries behind the Iron Curtain

Other subjects include Leonid Vasiliev who pioneered experiments in mental suggestion and Felix Ziegel, who wrote of how UFOs frightened some peasants of Kazakhstan back into church. The authors visited the USSR, Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia in the late 60s, when it seems that orthodox science there was, for a short time, open to exploration of the mysteries of the unknown, right after the death of Stalin in 1953.

The book provides instructions for construction of a pyramid in which to place blunt razor blades, to reportedly make them sharp again. It is possible that this book launched the “pyramid power” craze of the 1970s. A later sequel book by the same authors worth reading is “Psychic Discoveries: The Iron Curtain Lifted”, 1997. Mention is made of the work of Dr Nikolai Kozyrev, Dr William Tiller, Dr Bernard Grad, Edgar Cayce, Dr Abraham Hoffer, Dr Wilhelm Reich, Dr Claude Swanson, author of “Life Force, the Scientific Basis of Energy Medicine”

Psychic discoveries behind the Iron Curtain by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder on IUMAB Library

See also:

Russian Cosmism is a philosophical and cultural movement that emerged in Russia on the Edge of 20th century

Russian Cosmism emerged in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century as a tendency in Russian thought to view traditional Russian Orthodox Christianity as a futuristic task of social activism and scientific technology.

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