Entropy of online meetings

Entropy of online meetings Attention management is an area of endeavor seeking to optimize the way people allocate their limited capacity for focused mental engagement. The area grew out of attention economics, the application of economic principles to the study of how humans deal with with the overwhelming amount of information vying for their attention. … Read more

Influence of Yajña and Yogāsana on stress level

Comparative study of Influence of Yajña and Yogāsana on stress level as Measured by Electron Photonic Imaging (EPI) Technique

Sushrutha S1, Madhukeshwara Hegde2,

Hongasandra Ramachandra Nagendra3,

Thaiyar M Srinivasan4

1Asst. Professor, Div. Yoga-Spirituality, SVYASA Yoga University, Bangalore, India 2 Research Scholar, Div. Yoga-Spirituality, SVYASA Yoga University, Bangalore, India 3Chancellor, SVYASA Yoga University, Bangalore, India
4Dean, Div. Yoga and Physical Sciences, SVYASA Yoga University, Bangalore, India

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