Three experiments

3. Three experiments

(For the question of energy-information influences and interactions)

Vadim Bondarev

“Madmen don’t understand whole terrible danger, which they are exposed, when permit astral substances to penetrate in their aura!”  /Helena.I.Rerikh./

«Let’s be more daring. This theme puts many exciting and fundamental questions. If energy and information are connected between them, why we have only one physics, physics of energy? And where is physics of information? If it’s possible to use old theory of magic in this case?..»   /Jacque Vallee. Parallel world /

«Existing of mental disease of field nature, which is such as malefice and hoodoo, is disclaimed by neglect of energy-information, field reality ».    /Stacenko A.N. New paradigm /

From practice of bio-energetic research with using of kirlian-photography it’s known that any crippling of light corona of researched fingers says about problems of bio-energetic situation of this man. Of course, this statement is rightful only at appointed, optimal parameters of equipment and at exactly regulated system of whole technical process and, strictly speaking, it is related to a momentary state of energy. However, the practice shows that mostly crippling is enough stable and is connected with pathological process and/or morphological exchanging in organism. This fact gives a possibility to realize enough exact estimation of human’s bio-energetic system state. Moreover, sufficiently competent researchers with certain medical knowledge can give presumable diagnose. But such diagnostic prosperity based only on kirlian-image analysis is not guaranteed always. 

A number of anomalous energetic emergencies was disclosed with the help of monopulse plasmagraphy. These emergencies include emergencies, which  are developed as typical specific depression of light corona, which is not conditioned by physiological disease directly. Above there is the example of such depression (photo 9), and there is suggestion about presence of some heterogenous “phantom” substation, field nature. In such cases, any considerations about energy state except its depression and blockage, and especially about health state are not well-grounded and consequently premature. 

A fact of registration of heterogenous presence, which interact with our energetics, says that it isn’t “cloudless” and “sterile cleanly” in ambient energy-information space. Moreover many experiments obviously and earnestly confirm negative influence (of these alien substances) on bio-energetic system of man. And it produces enough valid anxiety about ecology of energy-information space of man. 

In this chapter we attend phenomenon of such called “phantom” substation, whose presence is registered on field level.

Three experiments

Three experiments3



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