Water – Our Divine Essence

Water – Our Divine Essence

Krishna Madappa*; Konstantin Korotkov**

*President & Co-founder; Institute for Science, Spirituality & Sustainability; USA **Professor, Bio-Physics, St Petersburg Federal University ITMO; Russia


Through advanced and breakthrough research, discoveries revealing the secret science of water, energy, consciousness, health and spirituality are revealed for the first time. Unveiling a hidden mystery that has been undiscovered till our recent scientific explorations, driven by a select group of dedicated researchers exploring non-linearity, we have been able to unravel the deeper tiers of waters wisdom, as revealed from our ancient wisdom texts. The implications from such discoveries has a direct bearing in decoding the sciences of health, DNA, energy and enlightenment.
By understanding the science of coherent water (structured water), we discover how water functions as a fractal antennae, as a storehouse and receptor of consciousness, and how our bodies, minds and spirits are interconnected via this dynamic crystalline matrix that is present in over 99% of the molecules in the human organism. Equipped with this knowledge, we are also made aware of the sacred texts from our Rishis that convey about life, consciousness, karma, plasma of water and the fabric of our universe, that answer mankind’s deepest and greatest questions in unlocking the secrets hidden in our most Sacred substance, Water – which is our Divine Essence.

Key words: Coherent water, Structured water, Consciousness, Intention, Bio-Well, Electro Photon Imaging, Water – Our Divine Essence.


Currently considerable attention is being focused on the study of the structural properties of water and the possibility of data transfer through water. A lot of controversial information we may find concerning the memory of water (Johansson, 2009). According to the viewpoint that has shaped, the phenomena observed during the experiments are determined by the processes of clusters and clathrates formation, mainly at the atoms of admixtures (Del Giudice, Vitiello, 2006). The task of introducing these notions into the scope of contemporary scientific thinking requires, first of all, a set of probative and reproducible experimental facts. Water is a complex subject of study, and its properties depend on a great number of factors; this requires that several independent techniques should be used in parallel, and that new informative methods for the study of water properties should be developed and introduced into practice (Voeikov, Del Giudice, 2009).

Great interest has been roused by the studies directed at detecting the differences between the glow of natural and synthetic essential oils with identical chemical composition (Korotkov et al, 2004). The oils were analyzed in order to detect possible differences between oils that were obtained by means of natural and synthetic processes, between oils of organic and regular origin; between oils obtained in different climatic conditions and extracted by means of different methods; between oils with different optical activity; between fresh oils and oils that were oxidized by various methods. The combinations of oils under study did not show any statistically significant differences when analyzed by means of the gas chromatography method.

EPI/GDV Technique

The Human Energy Field (HEF) is a highly sensitive reflection of the physical, emotional, and in some instances, the spiritual assessment of an individual. To measure this, data is obtained from the fingers of both hands and is converted into an HEF image using proprietary sophisticated software. This technology is predicated on the Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) process. The results are interpreted based on the energy connection of fingers with different organs and systems via meridians that are used in acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine.

A promising method already utilized in sixty-two countries to great success is bioelectrography, based on the Kirlian effect. This effect occurs when an object is placed on a glass plate and stimulated with current; a visible glow occurs, the gas discharge. With EPI/GDV (electrophotonic imaging through gaseous discharge visualization) bioelectrography cameras, the

Kirlian effect is quantifiable and reproducible for scientific research purposes. Images captured (BIO-grams) of all ten fingers on each human subject provide detailed information on the person’s psycho-somatic and physiological statei. The EPI/GDV camera systems and their accompanying software are currently the most effective and reliable instruments in the field of bioelectrographyii,iii,iv,vvi. EPI/GDV applications in other areas are being developed as wellvii,viii,ix,x,xi,xii,xiii,xiv,xv

Through investigating the fluorescent fingertip images, which dynamically change with emotional and health states, one can identify areas of congestion or health in the whole system.

Each generated fingertip photograph is analyzed by sector division, according to acupuncture meridians. Dr. Peter Mandel, in Germanyxvi over many decades, has developed this intricate and well-defined method of seeing into the entire body through the fingertips. EPI/GDV technique researchers created a diagnostic table based on years of their own clinical field-testing, the sector basis of which differs from that of Dr Mandel xvii.

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